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Independent forum to share, seek or offer ideas for Canadian immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

Promotions - Introduction
Welcome to the Promotions section at - the independent forum for all immigrants in all parts of our great new home, Canada! This section features posts of promotions and services aimed at immigrants. You could promote or review a product or service of interest to newcomers here. However, this is NOT a spam section or link drop. The moderators will exercise their discretion to edit or completely remove spammy, thin written, link-ridden, shady-type or suspicious-looking material. Active, healthy debate, helpful and kind-hearted discourse is the aim of this forum. This being the internet, the moderators will exercise their discretion to purge spam, unnecessary superfluous material, commercial self promotions or any content deemed unfit to be part of this community as much as possible.