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Recognition of medical degree from Latin America?
Hello Immigrants to Canada! I have a question for any one with some experience of Medical degrees from Latin America? If there is a medical student who is about to graduate and become a full medical doctor in a Latin American country (having a degree but education in language which is not English for example Portuguese or Spanish) and if that person has already achieved permanent residency (PR CARD) in Canada through sponsorship of his relatives, how much of the medical education be helpful in attaining Canadian credentials? I have some general questions. If any one can help me, thank you very much. You don't have to be specific, just give me any ideas if you want. 1. Is medical education from Latin America (example Caribbean, Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela etc) good for some or any credit acceptance? 2. Does anyone have any experience doing the same? In which case what did you do? Did you study all over again? Thank you very much.