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Independent forum to share, seek or offer ideas for Canadian immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

Welcome to Guest Blogposts!

Welcome to Guest Blog & Guest Posts section of This section is open to anyone to write a guest blogpost on any general topic for our diverse audience of Canada's multicultural, ethnic, minority, newcomers or new & old immigrants' interest.

Share your informative blog posts on a topic of your expertise and interest to put your ideas across our wide ranging audience. You can educate, inspire and influence using your insights on a field that you love and care about. You could be an enthusiast, a professional or just an activist aiming to improve the discourse of our great new Canadian home for all the wonderful from every corner of the globe!

So why wait, start writing and posting now.

(Please note that as this is a fairly broad-scoped section and only original, previously unpublished material is always welcome. However, we reserve the right to accept or decline any submitted post. Moderation times vary, but if your posts does not appear within a week or so of submission, feel free to consider as returned in good faith with no hard feelings or obligations whatsoever.)